Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I think that I forgot what a goatee was.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

learning lots over the break

My particularly rocky experience at Queen's has moulded me into a person who is better at handling enormous stress levels on a daily basis. Thank you university.

Friday, December 4, 2009


I just learned what a goatee was.

Saturday, November 21, 2009


On wednesday, I attended a workshop where this woman (who was a creative director) came to talk to us about setting out goals. It was fantastic.

Basically, she told us that no goal was too big, too unachievable.

And she taught us the steps on how to get where we want, and when we want to get there.

I wrote down what I want yesterday; a 1 month plan, a 1 year plan, and later extended into a 10 year plan of where I want to be.

It makes so much sense to do this, you know where you want you're life to be headed when you plan things out, and once you know, you work to achieve those specific goals. You make your future.

An example she showed us was this:

  • lose weight
  • lose 10 pounds
  • lose 10 pounds by Easter
The last is the best goal to create; you give your self an exact figure, and a due date.

Sunday, November 15, 2009


The greatest site EVER. You basically "stumble" upon great/strange/fascinating web pages. It's so much fun, but you can also pick up some interesting information too.

...and also waste a bunch of time.



Today, I found a website about asexuality and thought it was super interesting.

Friday, November 13, 2009


Can you guess what size a squash ball is?
I thought it was like a tennis ball.

Well, today I learned that its about the size of a golf ball.

I was pretty stunned.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


It feels good to actually study continuously for days, because it pays off.
I then have confidence for the test.

This is a new development.